Rusk County 4-H
Over 90 years ago in 1921, Rusk County 4-H started a long history of effective 4-H programs. Some of today’s Rusk County 4-H clubs have been operating for over 50 years. It has taken much hard work and dedication from youth and adult volunteers working together with the UW Cooperative Extension to provide programs that help our youth grow into productive citizens.
How Do I Get Involved?
It is really easy: Just call the Rusk County UW-Extension Office at 532-2151. We can answer any questions you might have about the program. There are clubs located all over the county. 4-H is a family program that can involve everyone. There are over 80 different project areas that youth can participate in. The activities are fun, educational, and “hands-on”. We learn by doing! Join the fun — call today!
After meeting with the County 4-H/Community Youth Development Educator and decided which club you would like to join, log on to and start the enrollment process. If you are brand new to 4-H you’ll need to create a login username and password and start by adding your family. After the family is created you can then begin adding members. For more information on enrolling in 4H, visit the following site where you can find an enrollment guide: