New Member Resources

Still deciding what club to join that’s close to home? Check out our county club map below!

Now after finding a club that’s close to home and that you like it’s time to pick a project. Below is a link to the list of projects that can be done in 4-H. Feel free to explore as many projects as you want!

Remember Cloverbuds is for exploring the different projects in 4-H without exhibiting their project. Explores can choose one project to exhibit at the local fair and 4th grade and above can sign up for as many projects to exhibit as they would like! Have fun and explore the many different projects 4-H has to offer.

4-H Project List

Now that you’ve found a club and chosen a project it’s time to sign up for 4-H!

First year members can sign up for 4-H any time of the year, but you need to be signed up before April 1st of that year to show in the August County Fair. Returning members should sign up during enrollment time, September 1st – November 1st. Sign up below in 4honline to become an official member of Rusk County 4-H!


If you need help enrolling don’t hesitate to reach out to your 4-H Educator and/or use the easy to use enrollment guide below.

4-H Enrollment Guide