

It’s getting to be that time of year again when member must reenroll in 4-H for the next year. Reenrollment will start on September 1st and end on November 1st. If you are a returning member please make sure to reenroll in that time period in order to take advantage of the full 4-H experience. Several fall activities are being planned and members who have not reenrolled will not be eligible to participate. In order to be eligible for the the 2023 Rusk County Fair you must be enrolled in Rusk County 4-H by April 1st.

With the fall approaching many clubs will need to update and/or revise their bylaws. Below is a link to a fillable outline for bylaws.



Annual Financial Reports (AFR)

Below is the link to both printable and online versions of the Annual Financial Report. AFR’s are due to the office by September 1st. Also included below is the links for the Financial Audit Checklist, the Inventory Worksheet, and the Articles of Organization. Please review the Wisconsin 4-H website for more detailed information. Please remember that the 4-H fiscal year begins July 1st and ends June 30th.


Inventory Worksheet

Articles of Organization




Below is the link to the online Charter Application, there is also a printable copy available. Charter Applications are due to the office before October 1st. If you are looking for more resources to fill out your charter application the Wisconsin 4-H website has many resources to guide you through filling out your charter.